Als Flipped Classroom wird eine Unterrichtsmethode bezeichnet, bei der vor allem durch den Einsatz neuer Medien der Unterricht im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes auf den Kopf gestellt wird.

Tools & Apps for Flipped Learning Classroom


Explain Everything is a unique screencasting interactive whiteboard app being used by over 2 million students, teachers, leaders, and learners around.

LENSOO CREATE (für Apple und Android verfügbar)

Lensoo Create turns your iPad into a virtual whiteboard with voice recording and smooth digital writing. Using Lensoo Create you can quickly share your ideas through email, Facebook or Twitter from virtually anywhere. Whether you are a teacher looking to instill knowledge, a student wishing to present your ideas or simply a person with an impressive skill to share, Lensoo Create is for you.


Interactive whiteboards: